The Colombo Declaration – Institutionalising Science Advice to Governments (6-8 July 2023)
WE, the representatives of Science Academies meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6-8 July, 2023:
RECOGNISING the encouragement and support of the Inter academy Partnership (IAP), the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) towards Institutionalising Science Advice to Governments,
AFFIRMING that sound, comprehensive and independent scientific advice is an integral part of effective policy-making, and
ACKNOWLEDGING the pivotal role played by organizations such as the IAP, AASSA, INGSA, national academies and other science organizations in strengthening science advice to governments.
NOTING that the progress on institutionalizing science advice to governments has been uneven across nations, as demonstrated by the varying responses of countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, and DEEPLY CONCERNED that nations and their people do not optimally benefit from scientific knowledge.
CALL UPON on governments to partner with science academies and SCIENCE organizations and demonstrate a stronger commitment to institutionalizing and strengthening the process of science advice to government and enabling scientific evidence to shape policies,
STRONGLY RECOMMEND all academies and partners to reinforce their commitment through urgent concerted action to institutionalize science advice to governments, taking into consideration the relevance of social sciences and humanities, and
FURTHER, RECOMMEND enhancing regional and global science advice networks to address common challenges in institutionalising science advice.
National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Australian Academy of Science
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
Korean Academy of Science and Technology
National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
Turkish Academy of Sciences
Date: 8 July 2023