[AASSA] YHK Award – 2024 2nd Call Awardee Announcement and Call for Nomination for the 3rd(Last) Call – DEADLINE 30th June 2024

Dear Sir/Madam, Please circulate the above information on the opportunity available for young women scientists to present an abstract and participate in a well-recognized conference.  Potential applicants :   Pls apply even if you have not yet got confirmation of acceptance of the abstract submitted. The committee considers applications pending acceptance of abstracts but will award it onlyRead More

[IAP Communications General] Report Launch and Webinar on Decarbonisation of Transport in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Options

Dear Colleagues, Please join the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) and the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) for a webinar and the launch of a new report: Decarbonisation of Transport in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Options. Decarbonisation of transport in Africa is essential for addressing climate change, improving air quality, enhancing energy security,Read More

Call for Application for “TWAS YOUNG AFFILIATESHIP 2024”

The UNESCO-TWAS Central & South Asia Regional Partner(TWAS-CASAREP) invites applications from suitable candidates for the 2024 TWAS YOUNG AFFILIATES, coming under this Region. The Call for applications is uploaded in our website (http://www.jncasr.ac.in/twascasarep). The soft copy of the application is attached for immediate reference. TWASCASAREP encourages receiving applications from young scientists, particularly women scientists from LDCs and S&T Lagging countries. I would greatly appreciate if youRead More

Induction Ceremony of New Fellows – 2022/2023

The Annual Induction Ceremony of Fellows of the National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka This year’s Induction ceremony for eight new Fellows was held on 09th September 2023 at the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPASL). The ceremony began with the opening remarks of the President NASSL, Professor Nadira KarunaweeraRead More

The Colombo Declaration – Institutionalising Science Advice to Governments (6-8 July 2023)

WE, the representatives of Science Academies meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6-8 July, 2023: RECOGNISING the encouragement and support of the Inter academy Partnership (IAP), the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) towards Institutionalising Science Advice to Governments, AFFIRMINGRead More

Profiles of Nominees 2022-2023

Annexure I – Notice of the 44th Annual General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka To: All Fellows of the National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka Agenda item – Election of New Fellows The Council, in terms of Rules 3.11 to 3.13, has recommended the following nominees asRead More