Induction Ceremony of New Fellows – 2021/2022
The Induction Ceremony of new fellows to the NASSL was held held at the PGIS, University of Peradeniya on 21st January 2023, at 15:00 at Auditorium, Postgraduate Institute of Science
University of Peradeniya. The following seven new fellows were inducted.
- D M P U K Ralapanawa, Professor in Medicine, University of Peradeniya
- Janendra De Costa, Senior Professor of Crop Science, University of Peradeniya
- S P Nissanka, Professor in Crop Science, University of Peradeniya
- Nimal Rajapakse, Professor in Engineering, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
- Dr Sanjiva Weerawarana, Computer Scientist, Lanka Software Foundation (LSF)
- Sumedha Jayanetti, Senior Professor in Physics, University of Colombo
- Upul Sonnadara, Senior Professor in Physics, University of Colombo
Prof Nilwala Kottegoda who is a new fellow elected, indicated her inability to attend the Ceremony due to her overseas visit, and she would be inducted later. The Ceremony was graced by the Guest Speaker, Prof. Suresh de Mel, Professor in Economics and Director of Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, as the Guest Speaker. It was well attended (about 50 participants). The guest speech on “Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in the Social Sciences” was very intersting and impressive. The induction ceremony was followed by Fellowship and Dinner.