Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025
Date:Â Thu, 2 Jan 2025 09:42:20 +0530
Subject:Â Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025
Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025
National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) is the focal point of the Center for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center), India. NASTEC provides fellowship opportunities for the scientists and technologists in Sri Lanka with the respective announcement released by the NAM S&T Centre to its member countries.
The NAM S&T Center has forwarded an announcement on “Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025” and invites applications from suitable candidates for the year 2025. This Fellowship Programme was initiated in September 2022 for the affiliation of scientists and researchers from the Member Countries of the NAM S&T Centre and its S&T-Industry Network Members at the institutes under the JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research (JSS AHER), Mysuru, Karnataka, India [www.jssuni.edu.in] for a period of six weeks to work in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine including the areas of expertise available at JSS AHER such as Indian System of Medicine, and Medicinal and Herbal Plants in order to enhance research skills, facilitate the exchange of information and contacts, and create a network between scientists and researchers from India and other developing countries.
The JSS AHER, Mysuru will provide free furnished accommodation and a pocket allowance equivalent to US$250 per month in local currency for the duration of the Fellowship to each selected scientist. JSS AHER will also arrange free transport by road between Bengaluru airport and Mysuru for the selected scientists upon their arrival and departure. Please note that, the selected nominees may have to bear the international airfare from their home country to Bengaluru (Nearest International Airport to reach Mysuru), Karnataka, India by themselves.
NASTEC is pleased to circulate this fellowship announcement by inviting the interested individuals to apply. Applications recommended by the parent institution of the applicant and endorsed by the Focal Point of the NAM S&T Centre (which is NASTEC) may be submitted to the Centre by email (namstcentre@gmail.com) in the relevant format. The last date for submission of applications for the Fellowship Programme is 14th February 2025. To receive the endorsement from NASTEC which is the focal point of NAM center for Sri Lanka, please send us your filled application and other relevant documents to nastecnam@gmail.com on or before 10th February 2025.
Application form for NAM S&T Centre-JSS AHER Mysuru Fellowship 2025
Annoucement_Guidelines re NAM S&T Centre-JSS AHER Mysuru Fellowship 2025
Selection will be made strictly based on the professional details of the applicant, statement of purpose/plan of work to be carried out and mutual research interests of the applicant and JSS AHER, Mysuru. Copies of the guidelines for the Fellowship Programme and the application form are attached (also available at the Centre’s Website- www.namstct.org).
National Science and Technology Commission
6th Floor(Wing D), Sethsiripaya Stage II,
Sri Lanka.
Telephone :+94 11-2186711
Fax : +94 11-2186713