Using DNA technology to improve village products, increase foreign reserves

By Prof. Athula Perera The use of gene technology (DNA technology) is increasing rapidly throughout the world, producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically ‘edited’ organisms. Genes are transferred across species and even kingdoms and edited to create almost anything we can dream of. Where are we in this modern environment? Probably justRead More

Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025

Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 09:42:20 +0530 Subject: Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025 Joint NAM S&T Centre – JSS AHER, Mysuru, India Fellowship Programme-2025 National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) is the focal point of the Center for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (NAM S&TRead More